Steady Rest Type 2 -- H. Richter Vorrichtungsbau GmbH, Germany

Steady rest with removable top
electronic centering display
Type 2-1-E Model 1

  - Steady rest with removable top<br>electronic centering display, made by H. Richter Vorrichtungsbau GmbH, Germany
Operating Range: Dmax 700 mm - Dmin 300 mm
Centre Height: 675 mm
Max Work Piece Load: 18000 kg
Quill diameter: 160 mm
Machine tool:

Electronic measuring system for all quills The special feature of the Steady Rest Rest electronics is: The Steady Rest Rest identifies the center of your machine and you can preset the quills to the workpiece diameter. The Steady Rest Rest works for one week independently of the mains. If it is recharged over 12 hours, this rationalization advantage can again be used for one week. The idea for this arrangement was devised by master craftsman toolmaker Harry Richter and then developed to application maturity by the Richter Vorrichtungsbau company.
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